Go client for Redis Cluster


To get an idea how to use go-redis client, see Getting started guide.

go-redis comes with a client for Redis Clusteropen in new window. Underneath, redis.ClusterClient uses redis.Client to comminucate with each node in a cluster. Each redis.Client maintains a separate pool of connections.

To connect to a Redis Cluster:

import "github.com/redis/go-redis/v9"

rdb := redis.NewClusterClient(&redis.ClusterOptions{
    Addrs: []string{":7000", ":7001", ":7002", ":7003", ":7004", ":7005"},

    // To route commands by latency or randomly, enable one of the following.
    //RouteByLatency: true,
    //RouteRandomly: true,

To iterate over shards:

err := rdb.ForEachShard(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, shard *redis.Client) error {
    return shard.Ping(ctx).Err()
if err != nil {

To iterate over master nodes, use ForEachMaster. To iterate over slave nodes, use ForEachSlave.

To change options for some shard:

rdb := redis.NewClusterClient(&redis.ClusterOptions{
    NewClient: func(opt *redis.Options) *redis.NewClient {
        user, pass := userPassForAddr(opt.Addr)
        opt.Username = user
        opt.Password = pass

        return redis.NewClient(opt)

See also