Scanning hash fields into a struct

Commands that return multiple keys and values provide a helper to scan results into a struct, for example, such commands as HGetAll, HMGet, and MGet.

You can use redis struct field tag to change field names or completely ignore some fields:

type Model struct {
	Str1    string   `redis:"str1"`
	Str2    string   `redis:"str2"`
	Int     int      `redis:"int"`
	Bool    bool     `redis:"bool"`
	Ignored struct{} `redis:"-"`

Because go-redis does not provide a helper to save structs in Redis, we are using a pipeline to load some data into our database:

rdb := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
	Addr: ":6379",

if _, err := rdb.Pipelined(ctx, func(rdb redis.Pipeliner) error {
	rdb.HSet(ctx, "key", "str1", "hello")
	rdb.HSet(ctx, "key", "str2", "world")
	rdb.HSet(ctx, "key", "int", 123)
	rdb.HSet(ctx, "key", "bool", 1)
	return nil
}); err != nil {

After that we are ready to scan the data using HGetAll:

var model1 Model
// Scan all fields into the model.
if err := rdb.HGetAll(ctx, "key").Scan(&model1); err != nil {

Or HMGet:

var model2 Model
// Scan a subset of the fields.
if err := rdb.HMGet(ctx, "key", "str1", "int").Scan(&model2); err != nil {

You can also find the example above on GitHubopen in new window.

You can also write the value of the struct field into redis, such as the MSet and HSet commands:

if err := rdb.HSet(ctx, "key", model1).Err(); err != nil {