Scanning hash fields into a struct
Commands that return multiple keys and values provide a helper to scan results into a struct, for example, such commands as HGetAll
, HMGet
, and MGet
You can use redis
struct field tag to change field names or completely ignore some fields:
type Model struct {
Str1 string `redis:"str1"`
Str2 string `redis:"str2"`
Int int `redis:"int"`
Bool bool `redis:"bool"`
Ignored struct{} `redis:"-"`
Because go-redis does not provide a helper to save structs in Redis, we are using a pipeline to load some data into our database:
rdb := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: ":6379",
if _, err := rdb.Pipelined(ctx, func(rdb redis.Pipeliner) error {
rdb.HSet(ctx, "key", "str1", "hello")
rdb.HSet(ctx, "key", "str2", "world")
rdb.HSet(ctx, "key", "int", 123)
rdb.HSet(ctx, "key", "bool", 1)
return nil
}); err != nil {
After that we are ready to scan the data using HGetAll
var model1 Model
// Scan all fields into the model.
if err := rdb.HGetAll(ctx, "key").Scan(&model1); err != nil {
Or HMGet
var model2 Model
// Scan a subset of the fields.
if err := rdb.HMGet(ctx, "key", "str1", "int").Scan(&model2); err != nil {
You can also find the example above on GitHub.
You can also write the value of the struct field into redis, such as the MSet
and HSet
if err := rdb.HSet(ctx, "key", model1).Err(); err != nil {